Jessica is a gorgeous woman inside and out. She works very hard and plays and lives life just as hard! When she is not working alongside her husband in their remodeling business, she is heading to Vegas! She comes from Mexico and has strived hard to become a US citizen. She has thrived in Arizona and is proving that if you want something bad enough you do what it takes to achieve that!
I choose Jessica for the July Babe because she exemplifies true grit and spirit.
Words by Jessica below:

I am a 47-year-old woman with 2 handsome young men, 24 and 25 years old. I came to this country for the first time more than 20 years ago, and it was a great challenge for me since I came alone without having anyone, without knowing their language, or this lifestyle which changed my life. It has made me grow as a person and to value everything because it has not been easy to be away from my country and leave my family there. When I finished my work visa I returned to Mexico, and after 6 years I returned to the USA ,but now for love. Today I am happily married. Without knowing anything about tools, I joined my husband and became a team in our remodeling business. I love the USA because it is a very noble country, apart from its places that are so beautiful, it has taught me to be a strong woman and has given me the opportunity to grow in all aspects and meet wonderful people.
